Baltra Airport (Baltra Island)
You arrive at Baltra Airport and are shuttled down to the Itabaca Channel where we’ll assist you in taking a ferry across to Santa Cruz Island. A 30-minute bus ride will then take us up to a restaurant in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island to enjoy lunch. Afterwards, we will continue down to the town of Puerto Ayora.
Puerto Ayora & the Charles Darwin Research Station (Santa Cruz Island)
After driving down from the highlands, we will get the chance to visit the Charles Darwin Research Station and the numerous giant tortoises that reside there. The Station also serves as the headquarters for scientific investigation, conservation and the National Park administration. Afterwards, we will take a stroll down the main street of Puerto Ayora before embarking Yacht Isabela II. After checking in, you’ll be invited to the Captain’s Welcome Cocktail and then dinner.